Available on Project Muse: The SAIS Review’s (44.1) Print Issue, After the Dust Settles: How the World Rebuilds After Crisis

In the last century, the world has entered an era of multilateralism where coalitions of states collaborate on myriad issues, creating a framework of global governance and pursuing collective action to address transnational issues. As events like the COVID-19 pandemic have demonstrated, a crisis in one country has the potential to spread throughout the world, causing global upheaval. Mitigating these crises in the short term is critical. However, multilateral efforts to rebuild and reform global institutions “after the dust has settled” are just as important.

Volume 44, Issue 1 of The SAIS Review of International Affairs is now available from Project Muse here.

The SAIS Review is dedicated to advancing the debate on leading contemporary issues of world affairs. The SAIS Review publishes essays that straddle the boundary between scholarly inquiry and practical experience in its search to bring a fresh and policy-focused perspective to global political, economic, and security questions. Contributors have a wide range of backgrounds, and include distinguished academics, policy analysts, leading journalists, parliamentarians, and senior officials from both government and non-governmental organizations. A book review section is featured in every issue.

The SAIS Review Editorial Board
The SAIS Review Editorial Board