Category Regional
Three Myths About the Jimmy Carter Presidency
The Contributions of Constructivism in Studying Political Islam Movements’ Foreign Policies
From Bullets to Hugs: Mexico’s Security Jarabe
Restoring Democracy: Lessons from Bolivia since the 2019 Coupvolution
“Long Live the Lords!” Tradition, Reform, and the Enduring Balance of British Democracy
How EU Enlargement Could Transform European Defence: Scenarios for a 2030 Agenda
The Symbiotic Genesis: Investigating the Intricate Relationship Between South Korea’s Development Plans of the 1970s and the Current Semiconductor Industry Policy
This research is framed to explore the relationship between Korea’s current semiconductor industry policies and historical industrial policies. Broadly, it also examines how current government industrial policies align with or diverge from these historical strategies. This article aims to understand…
Human Rights, Inequality, and Public Health: An Integrated Approach
Extreme and growing material inequalities are a quintessential concern among scholars, particularly within international relations, global governance, and global public health, and they are increasingly recognized as urgent issues by policymakers and activists alike. Socio-economic inequality not only undermines health…