Category Editors’ Updates

Book Launch: “Social Finance: Shadow Banking During the Global Financial Crisis” by Neil Shenai

Shenai presented his conventions-based theory of financial crises, and numerous current and former students participated in a wide-ranging discussion on the advantages of Shenai's model, the overall state of academic research on financial markets, and policy implications of Shenai's theory on financial regulation and managing risks in the global economy.

Latest Issue: “Voting: Uses and Abuses”

When discussing elections, people tend to focus on the candidates and the outcome. When they ask, "Who won?" they mean which of the candidates got the most votes. In this issue of the SAIS Review, we change the focus to the other actors using elections. Through nine articles, we will see that voting can produce winners and losers who are not on the ballot: institutions, foreign countries, and the political system itself can all be strengthened or weakened depending on how the voting happens.

Migration and its Consequences

This issue of the SAIS Review explores the interaction between migration, foreign policy, and the international system. The sections address the failures of international aid and assistance in handling migration crises, the use of migration crises for political purposes, and the causes and effects of future migration crises. Additionally, former senior officials give their views on the state of migration and world affairs today.