The SAIS Review publishes two print editions annually. In 2017, an additional special edition was published (Vol. 37 No. 1S). The SAIS Review is published and distributed by The Johns Hopkins University Press and is available online through Project Muse.

Volume 44, Number 2 — A New Statecraft: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Governance and Diplomacy

Volume 44, Issue 2 of the SAIS Review explores how artificial intelligence will shape international relations and governance, ranging from public health to outer space.

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Volume 44, Number 1 — After the Dust Settles: How the World Rebuilds After Crisis

Volume 44, Issue 1 of the SAIS Review explores multilateralism and how the world rebuilds and reforms after crises.

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Volume 43, Issue 2 — Water Wars: Conflict and Diplomacy

Volume 43, Issue 2 of the SAIS Review explores water resources as a catalyst for conflict and competition since the beginning of human civilization.

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Volume 43, Issue 1 — Plane(et) A: Addressing the Climate Crisis

Volume 43, Issue 1 of the SAIS Review explores the intersectionality of climate change with major global trends and challenges including energy, financial systems, governance, injustice, and state sovereignty.

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Volume 42, Issue 2 — Recoding Reality: The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism

Volume 42, Issue 2 of the SAIS Review addresses the ways in which state and nonstate actors stifle dissent with digital authoritarianism, defined as the use of information technology by regimes to manipulate, repress, and surveil domestic and international populations.

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Volume 42, Issue 1 — Treaties, Traditions, and Tribunals: The Role of International Law and Institutions in the 21st Century

Volume 42, Issue 1 of the SAIS Review explores how states interpret and utilize international law and forums differently. It also addresses the difficulties faced by international bodies and the international legal framework in adequately addressing transnational issues.

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Volume 41, Issue 2 — Conflict in the Fifth Domain

Volume 41, Issue 2 of The SAIS Review of International Affairs intends to call attention to the dynamic field of cybersecurity. It is a body of work for policy experts, aspiring professionals, and cyber beginners alike. Conflict in The Fifth Domain indulges in the debate about US cybersecurity strategies, investigates how states utilize cyber operations in support of foreign policy and national security strategies, explores the foreign and domestic policy actions to best confront constant adversarial cyber threats, and envisions pathways to effective global cyber governance.

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Volume 41, Issue 1 — Who Runs the World: A Look at Gender in International Affairs

Volume 41, Issue 1 of The SAIS Review of International Affairs highlights the vital yet underrepresented perspectives contributed by women and other people who do not identify as cis-gendered men to national and international policy. With this collection of essays and interviews, The SAIS Review aims to spark conversations and ideas about how to expand the pool of qualified people to “run the world” in a more equitable, peaceful, and innovative fashion.

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Full Archive

The Revolution Will Be Televised: A Decade of Global Protest
Summer-Fall 2020

Ex Amicitia Pax: Diplomacy in Action
Winter-Spring 2020

Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century
Summer-Fall 2019

Ethics & Foreign Policy
Winter-Spring 2019

The State of the Fourth Estate
Summer-Fall 2018

Voting: Uses & Abuses
Winter-Spring 2018

Migration and its Consequences
Summer-Fall 2017

The Future of the Religious Party
Supplement 2017

Modern Populism and its Effect on Foreign Policy
Winter-Spring 2017

Terra Incognita: Ungoverned Spaces – Space and Technology
Summer-Fall 2016

“Here Be Dragons”: Ungoverned Spaces on Land and at Sea
Winter-Spring 2016

Flying the Flag: Considering Nationalism in its Modern Incarnations
Summer-Fall 2015

The Era of Man: Environmental Security on a Changing Planet
Winter-Spring 2015

Sustaining the Millennium: Global Development from the MDGs to Post-2015
Summer-Fall 2014

Policy by Numbers: How Big Data is Transforming Security, Governance, and Development:
Winter-Spring 2014

Unchartered Waters: New Trends in Piracy, Sovereignty, and Ocean Resources:
Summer-Fall 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Black: Informal and Illegal Economies Around the World
Winter-Spring 2013

The World in Transition: Seizing Opportunities, Balancing Risks
Summer-Fall 2012

Hidden Risks: Challenges for the International System
Winter-Spring 2012

The Young and the Old: Demography and Generations in International Relations
Summer-Fall 2011

The Politics of Play: Sport and International Affairs 
Winter-Spring 2011

The Cyber Challenge: Threats and Opportunities in a Networked World
Summer-Fall 2010

Conservatism: Rising or Retreating?
Winter-Spring 2010

New International Players: A Tradition and Non-Traditional Look
Summer-Fall 2009

Winter-Spring 2009

Reengagement? International Organizations and the Next U.S. Presidency
Summer-Fall 2008

Winter-Spring 2008

Ownership Matters
Summer-Fall 2007

Winter-Spring 2007

Summer-Fall 2006

Winter-Spring 2006

Symbol and Substance
Summer-Fall 2005

Winter-Spring 2005

The Power of Populations; Religion Reinvented
Summer-Fall 2004

Smart Intelligence?
Winter-Spring 2004

Imperialism Revived: Intervention and Impact
Summer-Fall 2003

Food: Global Market, National Policies, and the International Community
Winter-Spring 2003

The Minority Rules
Summer-Fall 2002

Rotten Trade?
Winter-Spring 2002

Summer-Fall 2001

Whither Formality: Informal Economy / U.S. Africa Policy
Winter-Spring 2001

Gender and International Relations
Summer-Fall 2000

Winter-Spring 2000

The Post-Cold War Decade / Historical Revisionism
Summer-Fall 1999

NSC-68 and U.S. Foreign Policy Today / Turkey / Energy in the NIS
Winter-Spring 1999

Religion in Global Affairs; the Kyoto Accord
Summer-Fall 1998

The New Institutionalism; India
Winter-Spring 1998

Implications of Integration; Investment in Africa
Summer-Fall 1997

Post-Soviet Eurasia; Environment and Security
Winter-Spring 1997

Transitions in Asia
Summer-Fall 1996

Technology in Global Affairs; Sustainable Development
Winter-Spring 1996

The New Germany in the New Europe
Fall 1995

Adverting Crises in Africa; NATO Enlargement
Summer-Fall 1995

Political Success Stories; the U.S. Military in a New Era
Winter-Spring 1995

Political Transitions
Summer-Fall 1994

Europe’s Challenges
Winter-Spring 1994

Fiftieth Anniversary of SAIS
Summer-Fall 1993

Vol. 13, No. 1
Winter-Spring 1993

Vol. 12, No. 2
Summer-Fall 1992

Vol. 12, No. 1
Winter-Spring 1992

Order and Disorder: A New World Takes Shape
Summer-Fall 1991

A World in Transition
Winter-Spring 1991

Changes in the Post-Cold War Era
Summer-Fall 1990

American Foreign Policy in the 1990s
Winter-Spring 1990

Contradictions Between the Old and New
Summer-Fall 1989

Necessity and Choice for a New Administration
Winter-Spring 1989

Old Adversaries, New Ground
Summer-Fall 1988

Issues in U.S. Foreign Policy
Winter-Spring 1988

European Security Measures
Summer-Fall 1987

The Politics of Terrorism
Winter-Spring 1987

Money, Debt, and Democracy
Summer-Fall 1986

The Challenge to Free Trade
Winter-Spring 1986

The Nuclear Charge: Forty Years
Summer-Fall 1985

Reagan’s Second Term: Global Implications
Winter-Spring 1985

American Foreign Policy: Attitude and Action
Summer-Fall 1984

East Asia: Economic Threat or Challenge?
Winter-Spring 1984

Latin America in Turmoil
Summer-Fall 1983

Nuclear Sense or Nonsense?
Winter-Spring 1983

The Tenuous Alliance
Summer 1982

Prospects for the Middle East
Winter 1981-82

The Caribbean in Crisis
Summer 1981

U.S. Foreign Policy at the Crossroads
Winter 1980-81

Subscription Information

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