Tag China

China’s Belt and Road Gamble: Can it Deliver?

At a time when China is increasing its power on the world stage, Dr. Shahid Yusuf, the Chief Economist of The Growth Dialogue at the George Washington University School of Business in Washington DC, attempts to investigate the effects of China's Belt Initiative. In doing so, he discovered that the project will certainly increase China's influence and economic power in Central Asia but it will also place the Chinese economy under heavy strain as Chinese growth begins to slow.

Ending the Korean War

In this article, Dr. Michael F. Duggan traces the roots of the present conflict on the Korean Peninsula to its origins during the Korean War. After a discussion on the causes and the course of the war, he then discusses the implications of a North Korea with nuclear weapons as well. He then discusses the reasons why North Korea would seek to develop a nuclear bomb in the first place. Dr. Duggan then closes by proposing ways that the US and China could work together to avert a potential nuclear war on the peninsula.

SAIS Review Publishes New Issue on Hidden Risks

The SAIS Review of International Affairs has published its newest issue, Hidden Risks: Challenges for the International System. Risk—or the calculated probability that some undesirable outcome will occur—impacts nearly every aspect of our lives. In Hidden Risks, the SAIS Review seeks to foster a discussion on some of the risks that may be hidden, misunderstood, or woefully unaddressed by those who might be most affected by their realization.