Tag immigration

Too Many Remittances?

At a time where the international flow of remittances has received a great deal of criticisms by those on the political right, Jorge de Leon Miranda, a researcher at the International Monetary Fund, attempts to investigate the magnitude and effects of international remittances. In doing so, he discovered that remittances from the United States make up a great deal of the remittance inflow for at least fifteen countries and that the level of remittance inflow has an appreciable effect level of that country's development.

Labor Market Reform in France would Help Ease Muslim – non-Muslim Tension

Author Adam Millsap asserts that the liberalization of labor markets in France and other European countries would address concerns of immigrant assimilation by providing more economic opportunity for immigrants, which would make it easier for them to adjust to their new surroundings. He concludes that labor market liberalization could also provide long-term economic prosperity for all in France.