In this two-part series, authors Seth Clare and Samer Mosis explore how low oil prices spurred energy reforms in Mexico and Saudi Arabia, and provided them with an incidental vaccine to the populist contagion infecting more diversified, developed economies. While such reforms will likely be painful for many in the short-term, they concede that the long-term economic growth these changes will support are well worth their costs.
In this two-part series, authors Seth Clare and Samer Mosis explore how low oil prices spurred energy reforms in Mexico and Saudi Arabia, and provided them with an incidental vaccine to the populist contagion infecting more diversified, developed economies. While such reforms will likely be painful for many in the short-term, they concede that the long-term economic growth these changes will support are well worth their costs.
Author Mishaal Al Gergawi illustrates a broad overview of the political challenges facing the Middle East, asserting that the domestic drivers of such challenges are accentuated by sectarianism. He argues that a resolution to Saudi-Iranian geopolitical competition would greatly mitigate conflicts throughout the region, and describes the contours of a potential settlement between these powers.