Category Europe

A Conversation with Charles Dunst: On Defeating the Dictators

‘Not in Our Name:’ Why Russia is Not a Decolonial Ally or the Dark Side of Civilizational Communism and Imperialism

Johns Hopkins SAIS Faculty and Fellow Reflections: The War in Ukraine at One Year

The Kyiv-Kosovo Catalyst: Ukraine’s Recognition of Kosovo Can Affirm Western Order in the Balkans and Across Europe

Why the Global Skills Partnership between Morocco and Belgium is a Positive-Sum Game

Russia is Lying About its AI Capabilities: How Russia is Using Emerging Technologies to Hide Human Rights Violations

Why China is Serbia’s New Main Ally in the Kosovo Independence Dispute

We All Are Ukrainians

Europe’s Borderlands and China’s Challenge: Why War in Ukraine Matters

Coming to Terms with Reality: How Could the European Union Most Effectively Support Venezuela’s Democratization?