Tag Pakistan

Unveiling Purpose and Agency in Kashmiri Women’s Participation in Militancy
The Evolution of FATA Land into a Hub of Terrorism
Author Ahmad Shah Katawazai discusses the development of terrorist elements in the largely ungoverned Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, describes its implications for regional and international security, and offers policy prescriptions to combat the continued growth of extremism in the FATA.
An Interview with Yaniv Barzilai
SAIS alumnus Yaniv Barzilai, a foreign service officer at the United States Department of State, discusses his recent book, 102 Days of War - How Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda & the Taliban Survived 2001.
SAIS Review Publishes New Issue on Hidden Risks
The SAIS Review of International Affairs has published its newest issue, Hidden Risks: Challenges for the International System. Risk—or the calculated probability that some undesirable outcome will occur—impacts nearly every aspect of our lives. In Hidden Risks, the SAIS Review seeks to foster a discussion on some of the risks that may be hidden, misunderstood, or woefully unaddressed by those who might be most affected by their realization.
Imran Khan and Kashmir
Today, Imran Khan is doing in Pakistan what Barack Obama did in the United States in 2008. Despite his lack of experience in governance, Khan has created quite a buzz, and is vying for the country’s top job.