Tag Ukraine

Post-Soviet no more – the transformative impact of war on Russia’s neighbors

A World Historical Perspective on the War in Ukraine and the China-Taiwan Standoff

Hamster on a Treadmill: Western Diplomacy and the Kosovo Status Dispute

International Law’s Role in a Strat-Dominated World

‘Not in Our Name:’ Why Russia is Not a Decolonial Ally or the Dark Side of Civilizational Communism and Imperialism

Johns Hopkins SAIS Faculty and Fellow Reflections: The War in Ukraine at One Year

The Kyiv-Kosovo Catalyst: Ukraine’s Recognition of Kosovo Can Affirm Western Order in the Balkans and Across Europe

Will Biden’s New Truman Doctrine Offset the Sino-Russian Pact?

We All Are Ukrainians

Europe’s Borderlands and China’s Challenge: Why War in Ukraine Matters